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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving.....Counting Every Single Blessing

Cornucopia   Trees in fall  

As I sit and reflect, I can honestly say.....I have more blessings than I could possibly count.  It's the day before Thanksgiving and I want to have my list ready.  Just a few top of mind thoughts.

Thank you Lord for.............

- my beautiful and healthy family
- our new grandson...Gavin, who is PERFECT
- my best friend....who's always there for me in more ways to count
- letting me share another day with the people I love most
- the beautiful weather, the sun, wind and rain
- the abundance of food and the wonderful aromas floating through the house
- the patter of feet, laugher and happiness
- the breath I take so selfishly without a second thought that it may be my last.

I am truly blessed.   Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!!

Autumn Japanese maple leaves   Family in pumpkin patch

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Guest post from Hong Alexander

I love Thanksgiving but I can’t understand for the life of me why people like to go shopping the day after. I’ve always still got a turkey coma and everyone in my family is trying to pull me out of bed at 3am to go to some electronics store or something…I just don’t get it. Why in the world would you wait until everyone and her brother are ALSO out at the stores to do what you’ve got to do? I mean, one thing I can really get behind is cyber Monday but that’s because I can buy what I need from my couch and in my pajamas. I don’t like to get too far from the leftovers in case my neighbors want to come over and steal some! Last year I got direct tv cyber Monday packages and that saved me some big bucks and I bought about half of my Christmas items too and had them delivered right to my door. There’s nothing easier than that you know!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We Are the 53%

Picture borrowed from CSteven Tucker  A response from the 53% to the OccuTards.

To all you protesters.............

When big companies mess up, or top CEOs screw the workers, or big companies infest our environment or threaten our livelihood.....we want retribution.  I get it.  I do too.  There should be justice and even payback.  But, justice is blind and retribution doesn't always provide the greater good.

Taking down big companies that provide hundred of thousands of jobs is not the answer.  It's not the CEOs or top ranking staff that'll's us, the people, working for our American dream with all our digital era gadgets, 21st century necessities to make life comfortable, easier and better. 

Protesting, gives you voice...........banding for a solution, gives you a future.