Guest Post
Thanks to Buster Leon
Last Saturday morning my husband and I spent a couple of hours watching the Travel channel on our TV By Direct. They were having these specials featuring ‘the greatest of’; the greatest of houseboats, tree houses, etc. It was hilarious to watch my husband who is so impressionable! I mean, when we leave a movie about rock climbing, wants to go rock climbing; when we leave a movie about boxing, he wants to be a boxer; when we leave a war movie, he wants to be in the Army! So of course, I am just waiting for him to turn to me and tell me how we need to sell everything and buy a houseboat. As if on cue, he starts telling me all the places we could take our house boat! I love this about him! It can certainly drive me crazy at times, but I love how passionate he can be about his interests! I used to try and tell him how crazy he is! I mean why even talk about that since we will never do that? Seriously, the boathouse that we could afford would look NOTHING like the amazing ones on this show! I have learned to just smile and nod and listen to his crazy ideas!
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving.....Counting Every Single Blessing
As I sit and reflect, I can honestly say.....I have more blessings than I could possibly count. It's the day before Thanksgiving and I want to have my list ready. Just a few top of mind thoughts.
Thank you Lord for.............
- my beautiful and healthy family
- our new grandson...Gavin, who is PERFECT
- my best friend....who's always there for me in more ways to count
- letting me share another day with the people I love most
- the beautiful weather, the sun, wind and rain
- the abundance of food and the wonderful aromas floating through the house
- the patter of feet, laugher and happiness
- the breath I take so selfishly without a second thought that it may be my last.
I am truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Guest post from Hong Alexander
I love Thanksgiving but I can’t understand for the life of me why people like to go shopping the day after. I’ve always still got a turkey coma and everyone in my family is trying to pull me out of bed at 3am to go to some electronics store or something…I just don’t get it. Why in the world would you wait until everyone and her brother are ALSO out at the stores to do what you’ve got to do? I mean, one thing I can really get behind is cyber Monday but that’s because I can buy what I need from my couch and in my pajamas. I don’t like to get too far from the leftovers in case my neighbors want to come over and steal some! Last year I got direct tv cyber Monday packages and that saved me some big bucks and I bought about half of my Christmas items too and had them delivered right to my door. There’s nothing easier than that you know!
I love Thanksgiving but I can’t understand for the life of me why people like to go shopping the day after. I’ve always still got a turkey coma and everyone in my family is trying to pull me out of bed at 3am to go to some electronics store or something…I just don’t get it. Why in the world would you wait until everyone and her brother are ALSO out at the stores to do what you’ve got to do? I mean, one thing I can really get behind is cyber Monday but that’s because I can buy what I need from my couch and in my pajamas. I don’t like to get too far from the leftovers in case my neighbors want to come over and steal some! Last year I got direct tv cyber Monday packages and that saved me some big bucks and I bought about half of my Christmas items too and had them delivered right to my door. There’s nothing easier than that you know!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
We Are the 53%
Picture borrowed from CSteven Tucker A response from the 53% to the OccuTards.
To all you protesters.............
When big companies mess up, or top CEOs screw the workers, or big companies infest our environment or threaten our livelihood.....we want retribution. I get it. I do too. There should be justice and even payback. But, justice is blind and retribution doesn't always provide the greater good.
Taking down big companies that provide hundred of thousands of jobs is not the answer. It's not the CEOs or top ranking staff that'll's us, the people, working for our American dream with all our digital era gadgets, 21st century necessities to make life comfortable, easier and better.
Protesting, gives you voice...........banding for a solution, gives you a future.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Changing Careers?
I read an article today that mentioned...."Switch Fields In As Little As Two Years". Two years!?!?! Are you kidding me?
After I graduated from college, it took some time to get my footing on what I wanted to do, what I liked, what I didn't. My first job I had lined up before I graudated college was working in the hospitality industry. It took me less than three months.....more like three days to know I didn't want to work in that area. I stayed at it for 3 months and then gave my notice. It took me two weeks, not two years, to find my next, career.
Granted, if you need a new degree or certifications, that may take some time....and two years may be the timeline, if not longer. I mean, if you're going from janitor to lawyer or doctor...that will take a few years. But, let's face it.....that's a pretty drastic career change. Most people can explore new markets, industries, etc., and use their experience, network and desire to get into a new field of choice.
Realizing unemployment is at its peak and with the economy still in states of chaos, the lines could be long in getting into the new career door. If you're looking to move to a new career....I'm rooting for ya and hope it doesn't take too long. But, I'm betting it won't take you two years.
After I graduated from college, it took some time to get my footing on what I wanted to do, what I liked, what I didn't. My first job I had lined up before I graudated college was working in the hospitality industry. It took me less than three months.....more like three days to know I didn't want to work in that area. I stayed at it for 3 months and then gave my notice. It took me two weeks, not two years, to find my next, career.
Granted, if you need a new degree or certifications, that may take some time....and two years may be the timeline, if not longer. I mean, if you're going from janitor to lawyer or doctor...that will take a few years. But, let's face it.....that's a pretty drastic career change. Most people can explore new markets, industries, etc., and use their experience, network and desire to get into a new field of choice.
Realizing unemployment is at its peak and with the economy still in states of chaos, the lines could be long in getting into the new career door. If you're looking to move to a new career....I'm rooting for ya and hope it doesn't take too long. But, I'm betting it won't take you two years.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fall Festival and Football
We attended the football game and the fall festival tonight at my son's middle school.
Let's talk football......Ravens won 42-0! YAY. By the 4th quarter I'm yelling and clapping for the other team. Those poor guys got the crap beat out of 'em. And, yes I felt sorry for them. Suddenly, I'm rooting for the underdogs...and they were u-n-d-e-r. Honestly, they looked like a bunch of girls playin'. I know...not nice. It was a fun least for the Ravens, the home team. Go Ravens...whoopit.
I have to say, the indoor fall festival was a disappointment. There weren't a lot of booths or games or food or drinks. Pickin' was slim. The things there were a lot of were long lines. Overall, it was very poorly orchestrated. Yes, I'm complaining.... no I didn't help......yes, I should have volunteered, but I didn't. It's the perfect writing for a blog, though. Complain, be a critic and post it.
Ladies of the sucked. You need help and I hope your other events are planned better. Next time consider a professional..........someone like my BFF, Jennifer....who knows how to plan an event, make it the talk of the town, make it fun and organize to perfection.......for around $10,000 or more. Yup, she's not in my budget either.
Tonight was still a good night. Spending time with my matter the event, is a blessing. I'm still smiling about it.
Let's talk football......Ravens won 42-0! YAY. By the 4th quarter I'm yelling and clapping for the other team. Those poor guys got the crap beat out of 'em. And, yes I felt sorry for them. Suddenly, I'm rooting for the underdogs...and they were u-n-d-e-r. Honestly, they looked like a bunch of girls playin'. I know...not nice. It was a fun least for the Ravens, the home team. Go Ravens...whoopit.
I have to say, the indoor fall festival was a disappointment. There weren't a lot of booths or games or food or drinks. Pickin' was slim. The things there were a lot of were long lines. Overall, it was very poorly orchestrated. Yes, I'm complaining.... no I didn't help......yes, I should have volunteered, but I didn't. It's the perfect writing for a blog, though. Complain, be a critic and post it.
Ladies of the sucked. You need help and I hope your other events are planned better. Next time consider a professional..........someone like my BFF, Jennifer....who knows how to plan an event, make it the talk of the town, make it fun and organize to perfection.......for around $10,000 or more. Yup, she's not in my budget either.
Tonight was still a good night. Spending time with my matter the event, is a blessing. I'm still smiling about it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
When Life Throws a Curve Ball
When life throws a curve ball...........knock the sh't out of it! It's a good motto.

Some times we need to stand up and say "enough is enough". Today, I'm not taking it anymore. Tomorrow, give it your best shot, try 'n knock me down. But, today it ain't gonna happen.
Having said that.....I'm feeling a little better. It's been a rough week. Too many people to please, with too many agendas. The rest of today, is by my rules. Sorry hon, kids, but I'm tired and.........
We're eating out for dinner........
I'm not helping with homework........
No we're not watching The X-Factor........
Don't ask, 'cause the answer is No........
Okay, Yes, you can go to youth-group, but after that you're grounded........
One more glass of wine won't hurt......... :)

Some times we need to stand up and say "enough is enough". Today, I'm not taking it anymore. Tomorrow, give it your best shot, try 'n knock me down. But, today it ain't gonna happen.
Having said that.....I'm feeling a little better. It's been a rough week. Too many people to please, with too many agendas. The rest of today, is by my rules. Sorry hon, kids, but I'm tired and.........
We're eating out for dinner........
I'm not helping with homework........
No we're not watching The X-Factor........
Don't ask, 'cause the answer is No........
Okay, Yes, you can go to youth-group, but after that you're grounded........
One more glass of wine won't hurt......... :)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Fall for Sweaters
We're well into the Fall season and cooler weather. It's time to pull out your light jackets, sweaters and scarves! I love this time of the year. It's a refresh from the hot summer, time to cool off and enjoy a glass of wine, hot cider and hot chocolate. Yum.
If you've packed away your fall/winter clothes, now is the time to pull them out and make room in the closets. I have two favorite cardigans that I wear around the pad.....but have about 10 altogether. Mix of colors, textures and styles for the fashonistas in our house. And, best of all...........we can share our clothes, our styles and our warmth.
Let's enjoy the fall, the sweaters and the cooler weather!
If you've packed away your fall/winter clothes, now is the time to pull them out and make room in the closets. I have two favorite cardigans that I wear around the pad.....but have about 10 altogether. Mix of colors, textures and styles for the fashonistas in our house. And, best of all...........we can share our clothes, our styles and our warmth.
Let's enjoy the fall, the sweaters and the cooler weather!
Downside for Being A Celeb
Yes, there are some disadvantages for being a celebrity. I had to dig deep and wide to find them, but here are a few:
Frankly, it's a crazy rule, but it's a rule that is adamantly adhered in the celeb world. The rest of us (non-celebs) can commit social blunder and wear our favorite outfits 3 or 4 times a week if we want. It won't make headline news and we won't be in the OMG! photo galleries as the biggest fashion faux pas of the week.
A small reminder, there are some nice perks for not being famous. Hope you're wearing your favorite outfit today. I am!
- No privacy (ah, an obvious one)
- One little slip (err or faux pas), no matter how trivial gets national/global attention
- Everyone's a critic
- Bad or good days, sick or in good health, you must be in top form....because the media will be happy to print thousands of pictures showing your worse
- Potential eye problems, with so many cameras/lights blinding you. It must be trying on your retina.
Frankly, it's a crazy rule, but it's a rule that is adamantly adhered in the celeb world. The rest of us (non-celebs) can commit social blunder and wear our favorite outfits 3 or 4 times a week if we want. It won't make headline news and we won't be in the OMG! photo galleries as the biggest fashion faux pas of the week.
A small reminder, there are some nice perks for not being famous. Hope you're wearing your favorite outfit today. I am!
Friday, October 7, 2011
3-Day Weekend - YAY!
I love my weekends and the only thing better is getting a 3-day weekend! Columbus Day is this Monday and the Federal Reserve is closed. Most banks are closed and I'm officially off the clock. If you work outside the financial industry or the government, then you may not be celebrating the long holiday weekend. My apologies for rubbing it in, but WHOOP! I'm excited and already thinking about my "extra" day off.
Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.
Thrift Shopping with my Friends
Guest post written by Shelley Fawcett
My friends and I are pretty stylish in my opinion, but it's not like we're buying clothes straight out of Vogue or anything. We're all functioning on pretty low budgets since we're barely out of college and have all kinds of student loans, too. But one thing that we do to get a bunch of our clothes is by going thrifting. If you know what you're doing and have some friends to tell you their opinions on things you're trying on, you really can find some really great things at the thrift store.
I was online looking up some info on some new thrift stores in the area just as another place for us to go and look and while I was doing that, I ran across some info on mobile broadband internet providers in my area. After I looked through it a little bit, I decided to switch over to one of them.
I think that I found some really great things this time around that I went thrift shopping! I found this adorable printed wrap dress that looks like it could be DVF even though it's some no-name label.
My friends and I are pretty stylish in my opinion, but it's not like we're buying clothes straight out of Vogue or anything. We're all functioning on pretty low budgets since we're barely out of college and have all kinds of student loans, too. But one thing that we do to get a bunch of our clothes is by going thrifting. If you know what you're doing and have some friends to tell you their opinions on things you're trying on, you really can find some really great things at the thrift store.
I was online looking up some info on some new thrift stores in the area just as another place for us to go and look and while I was doing that, I ran across some info on mobile broadband internet providers in my area. After I looked through it a little bit, I decided to switch over to one of them.
I think that I found some really great things this time around that I went thrift shopping! I found this adorable printed wrap dress that looks like it could be DVF even though it's some no-name label.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Protect Yourself and Who You Are
In today’s world of emerging technology and cyberspace mischief we have to protect ourselves from identify theft as much, if not more than someone breaking and entering your home, business or car. How often do we think about identify theft protection? Most people have insurance for their personal property, but what coverage do you have for your identity?
A few years ago, someone was able to take some of our personal bills, credit card statements and eventually my husband’s social security number. This was back in the early 2000s before identity theft was so prevalent. Even then, we didn’t realize the full extent of having this personal info in the hands of thieves. The people that took his personal information began using variations of his name and applying for services within the same city, new cities and different states.
They moved around a lot, never staying in the same place too long, but long enough to run up a series of past due bills. Believe it or not, it took almost two years before we were aware of their theft and the mounting bills and collection attempts. We finally found out through a credit check when applying for a car loan.
Needless to say, it was a nightmare. His credit was ruined and it took almost two more years of locking his credit, police reports, endless phone calls, mailing certified statements and constant hassles with companies to resolve. Two years of tireless daily follow ups and gray hairs.
I’ll be first to vouch for identity protection. There are many companies that specialize in consumer safeguard for property and our most precious asset, self-identity. IdentityHawk is one of several companies to consider. We’re living in the digital-age where anything is possible. Safeguard yourself and stay safe always!
October Shopping
Did you know the month of October has a couple of widely known celebrations and several hundred not-so-known observances? The two most of us knows are: Columbus Day-Oct 10, 2011 is coming up; And, of course, the infamous Halloween.....Boo! October also has many, many, many other observances. To name a few.....
October's color is purple. You could consider a purple tablecloth. Orange and black, aren't the only colors for October. I love purple! For the college grad, or those to-be aspiring grads, check out the seventeen bedding collections. Makes me want to wrap myself up for the night. And, accessorizing, in addition to your bedroom, size up your arm candy with some relic purses. All in celebration of October.
Shop 'til you drop and always enjoy!
- Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
- Bat Appreciation Month
- Bullying Prevention
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October's color is purple. You could consider a purple tablecloth. Orange and black, aren't the only colors for October. I love purple! For the college grad, or those to-be aspiring grads, check out the seventeen bedding collections. Makes me want to wrap myself up for the night. And, accessorizing, in addition to your bedroom, size up your arm candy with some relic purses. All in celebration of October.
Shop 'til you drop and always enjoy!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A La Carte Banking Fees!!
If you have a debit card with one of the BIG financial institutions with minimum level deposits, you're probably one of million consumers that will be paying a monthly fee when using your debit card.
Below is one of my publications in the Yahoo! Business section. For your reading enjoyment!

Yahoo Business Contributor - Who's to Blame for Debit Card Fees?!?
My profile page is also included:
JP Cov's Profile Page
Happy spending,
Below is one of my publications in the Yahoo! Business section. For your reading enjoyment!
Yahoo Business Contributor - Who's to Blame for Debit Card Fees?!?
My profile page is also included:
JP Cov's Profile Page
Happy spending,
Monday, October 3, 2011
Monday, Mondays......I Need My Coffee
In corp America, the start of the week is Monday. We excise ourselves from the two-day layover and by market hours we're in gear and ready to rock-n-roll. Coffee, coffee and more coffee is a must! Cream too (for me). You can look at every street corner, w/in most buildings and you'll see the brown oil brewing and available. Follow your nose to the comfort smell of brew and carbs. Perk your ears, and you'll hear the sound of ka-chink and musical $$s floating around. It's a serious business.
And, I'm serious when I tell you....I need my coffee.....every morning, especially Mondays. You can take one look at me and know if I've had my brew or not. On the rare occasions when I've been thrown off track and no brew in hand.....well, let's just say, don't get too close. The growl and scowl should be enough to scare you.
Mondays come with a love-hate relationship. Hate 'em, initially. The weekend is too short, went by too quickly and I'm usually not ready to say good-bye to them yet. But, when Monday comes, I jump in. Once I get started and I'm in my groove (yikes! did I just say groove?), I see endless possibilities and adventures ahead. All of sudden, Mondays aren't so bad.
For this Monday, the weather is cool, the sun is rising, coffee's in the pot, the kids are at their bus stops and people are awake and starting their day. It's actually a nice day and I'm ready to make things happen.
Hope this Monday is good for you too. Happy Monday!
And, I'm serious when I tell you....I need my coffee.....every morning, especially Mondays. You can take one look at me and know if I've had my brew or not. On the rare occasions when I've been thrown off track and no brew in hand.....well, let's just say, don't get too close. The growl and scowl should be enough to scare you.
Mondays come with a love-hate relationship. Hate 'em, initially. The weekend is too short, went by too quickly and I'm usually not ready to say good-bye to them yet. But, when Monday comes, I jump in. Once I get started and I'm in my groove (yikes! did I just say groove?), I see endless possibilities and adventures ahead. All of sudden, Mondays aren't so bad.
For this Monday, the weather is cool, the sun is rising, coffee's in the pot, the kids are at their bus stops and people are awake and starting their day. It's actually a nice day and I'm ready to make things happen.
Hope this Monday is good for you too. Happy Monday!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Shopping Gorillas
October is finally here and so is fall. The leaves are slowly dropping from the trees and a crisp coolness is in the air. Pumkin patches are sprouting up everywhere. I love this time of year. Halloween, Fall Festivals, Thanksgiving and Winter Holidays are just around the corner. YAY! I love all of the holidays, the festivities and shopping for all of them.
As summer is now a distant past, you can find some great deals throughout the world webs and stores. What's a summer without beaches and waves. Beach paraphernalias and decor are on sale and ready for the pre-seasonal shoppers. That's me. I'm really digging the Beach clock and anything to keep me on track.
Water fountains at Lowes are never out of style or season. Summer, spring, fall or winter........the sound of water cascading through a Tuscan style fountain, whether on the patio or indoors. It brings coolness and a sense of serenity. Every home should have one!
With the cooler weather, we'll be bringing it back inside. The kitchen updates for autumn includes a new flatware caddy and some fun utensils to make sure everything is in its place to be cooked and prodded as needed. Just what the recipe orders.
I love all four seasons. I love to shop. And, I love to find great deals. Here's to all the shopping gorillas out there. Hope you enjoy too.
As summer is now a distant past, you can find some great deals throughout the world webs and stores. What's a summer without beaches and waves. Beach paraphernalias and decor are on sale and ready for the pre-seasonal shoppers. That's me. I'm really digging the Beach clock and anything to keep me on track.
Water fountains at Lowes are never out of style or season. Summer, spring, fall or winter........the sound of water cascading through a Tuscan style fountain, whether on the patio or indoors. It brings coolness and a sense of serenity. Every home should have one!
With the cooler weather, we'll be bringing it back inside. The kitchen updates for autumn includes a new flatware caddy and some fun utensils to make sure everything is in its place to be cooked and prodded as needed. Just what the recipe orders.
I love all four seasons. I love to shop. And, I love to find great deals. Here's to all the shopping gorillas out there. Hope you enjoy too.
Friday, September 30, 2011
September 30 - Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, I love you!
We grew up as twins and shared the same birthday celebrations until our teens. I didn't quite appreciate it back then. But, it would be my privilege to share with you again.
When I think of you, I smile. You have a contagious hearty laugh that makes everyone join in and be happy. You're quick witted and smart. I'll get there one day!
You're the artist in the family. Your paintings and drawings are you....and I love them. You could share them with the world, but you choose not to. It's their lost.
You're the lefty in the family. I know I used to make fun of you for that, but it was because I couldn't use my left hand like you. And, I still can't.
You stayed in our home town, when I left. I miss you every day and thoroughly enjoy every time I get to spend with you when I come back, or talk on the phone.
You're my brother....a little older than me, and I'll always remind you of that. As older brothers go, you're the best of the best and I'm very blessed.
Here's to another year!! I hope it's a good one for you. Happy birthday and I love you.
We grew up as twins and shared the same birthday celebrations until our teens. I didn't quite appreciate it back then. But, it would be my privilege to share with you again.
When I think of you, I smile. You have a contagious hearty laugh that makes everyone join in and be happy. You're quick witted and smart. I'll get there one day!
You're the artist in the family. Your paintings and drawings are you....and I love them. You could share them with the world, but you choose not to. It's their lost.
You're the lefty in the family. I know I used to make fun of you for that, but it was because I couldn't use my left hand like you. And, I still can't.
You stayed in our home town, when I left. I miss you every day and thoroughly enjoy every time I get to spend with you when I come back, or talk on the phone.
You're my brother....a little older than me, and I'll always remind you of that. As older brothers go, you're the best of the best and I'm very blessed.
Here's to another year!! I hope it's a good one for you. Happy birthday and I love you.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Here's to the Wise!
My Granny, God rest her soul, was one of the wisest women I knew. Throughout my childhood and until I left for college she lived right down the road from me. I guess you could say we were neighbors. You can't do better than that to have family as neighbors.
Now, that I'm older and have my own family, I recall so much wisdom she graciously passed on to me...even when I wasn't always listening. Suffice to say, a lot wisdom wasted, but there are few that I do remember, and abide by them and cherish them.
"Don't mock the old. If you're blessed to live long enough, you'll be sooner than you think."
"Everything in moderation! Too much of something isn't good for you. That includes eating, drinking, smoking, loving and make-up."
"Every gift you received means someone else didn't. It's a blessing you shouldn't take for granted."
"How much is enough? Don't be greedy."
"Don't let someone hit on you. Someone hits you, you hit them harder."
"A man that takes his fist to the wall, or the door, or the car, is alright by me. He's smart enough to know you don't people."
"Pick up after yourself 'cause I'm too old to and so are you."
"Those spots (on her skin) are from many battles and they're a reminder I survived."
"Don't let those kids (people) get you down. They're just jealous."
"Laugh as much as you can, it feels good."
"Respect yourself, and then others."
"When you think you can't take another step, take those shoes off and rub your feet. You'll get a few more miles."
I miss my Granny every day. And, life has gone by so quickly, just like she said. She was a smart lady and I'm smarter because of her. I plan to share her wisdom with my children, and few of my own.
Now, that I'm older and have my own family, I recall so much wisdom she graciously passed on to me...even when I wasn't always listening. Suffice to say, a lot wisdom wasted, but there are few that I do remember, and abide by them and cherish them.
"Don't mock the old. If you're blessed to live long enough, you'll be sooner than you think."
"Everything in moderation! Too much of something isn't good for you. That includes eating, drinking, smoking, loving and make-up."
"Every gift you received means someone else didn't. It's a blessing you shouldn't take for granted."
"How much is enough? Don't be greedy."
"Don't let someone hit on you. Someone hits you, you hit them harder."
"A man that takes his fist to the wall, or the door, or the car, is alright by me. He's smart enough to know you don't people."
"Pick up after yourself 'cause I'm too old to and so are you."
"Those spots (on her skin) are from many battles and they're a reminder I survived."
"Don't let those kids (people) get you down. They're just jealous."
"Laugh as much as you can, it feels good."
"Respect yourself, and then others."
"When you think you can't take another step, take those shoes off and rub your feet. You'll get a few more miles."
I miss my Granny every day. And, life has gone by so quickly, just like she said. She was a smart lady and I'm smarter because of her. I plan to share her wisdom with my children, and few of my own.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Congratulations Angela & Debbie. You guys rock!!
Tres Chere received an award from the the fabulous Tanya Anurag, author of Kreative Korner. YAY. I love them!

Tres Chere received an award from the the fabulous Tanya Anurag, author of Kreative Korner. YAY. I love them!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Enjoying Fashion's Night Out Virtually with Some Online Shopping
Guest post written by Dee McCall
If there's one thing that I can really thrive at doing, it's definitely online shopping. I have quite a knack for online shopping and it doesn't look like I'll be slowing down or getting any worse at it any time soon. Most recently, I was really excited about Fashion's Night Out because even though I don't live anywhere close to the big events that were going on for it, I took part in it with some online shopping.
I looked ahead of time online to see if any of my favorite sites were going to be having some good deals. While I was doing that, I ran across the site I showed it to my roommate and after that we decided to change over our home internet service to one of the packages we saw on there.
I'm going to be enjoying my own little virtual Fashion's Night Out alone at home in my PJs. But at least I can enjoy watching TV shows while I shop and not having to worry about impressing others in attendance.
If there's one thing that I can really thrive at doing, it's definitely online shopping. I have quite a knack for online shopping and it doesn't look like I'll be slowing down or getting any worse at it any time soon. Most recently, I was really excited about Fashion's Night Out because even though I don't live anywhere close to the big events that were going on for it, I took part in it with some online shopping.
I looked ahead of time online to see if any of my favorite sites were going to be having some good deals. While I was doing that, I ran across the site I showed it to my roommate and after that we decided to change over our home internet service to one of the packages we saw on there.
I'm going to be enjoying my own little virtual Fashion's Night Out alone at home in my PJs. But at least I can enjoy watching TV shows while I shop and not having to worry about impressing others in attendance.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Free Lunches or TV Receivers?
Economics 101 - There are no free lunches. But, I have to say, twice last week I had my lunch paid. It was a pretty good lunch too. The company wasn't bad, either.
Does everything come with a price? Definitely! Everything has a cost. Life comes with joys, sacrifices; it comes with a then out. You stop breathing, you stop living. Everything comes with a price.
Economics 101.2 - The two sure things in life are taxes and death. So, when we are offered something free, even if it's perceived as free, makes it quite apealing. Same is true for discounts. If I see a's a magnet to my cave woman senses to hunt, gather and do so at a reduced cost.
One of my BFFs is always sending me links to free "give aways", contests entries and sales events. Amazingly, she seems to win a lot and buy nice things at great discounts. By the time I get there, the discounts have been marked up 300%. Or, the online contests or links to "freebies" tend to be wasted key strokes and sometimes a few viruses. More times than not, it costs me money. Luck fancies only a few of us.
The latest rave is her TVs bell 6131 receiver dish. Is it a rave? If you need to 'receive' and have a TV, it may be worth the click. You decide and let me know.
Does everything come with a price? Definitely! Everything has a cost. Life comes with joys, sacrifices; it comes with a then out. You stop breathing, you stop living. Everything comes with a price.
Economics 101.2 - The two sure things in life are taxes and death. So, when we are offered something free, even if it's perceived as free, makes it quite apealing. Same is true for discounts. If I see a's a magnet to my cave woman senses to hunt, gather and do so at a reduced cost.
One of my BFFs is always sending me links to free "give aways", contests entries and sales events. Amazingly, she seems to win a lot and buy nice things at great discounts. By the time I get there, the discounts have been marked up 300%. Or, the online contests or links to "freebies" tend to be wasted key strokes and sometimes a few viruses. More times than not, it costs me money. Luck fancies only a few of us.
The latest rave is her TVs bell 6131 receiver dish. Is it a rave? If you need to 'receive' and have a TV, it may be worth the click. You decide and let me know.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Only French in This House are French Fries
I'm a firm believer to cook well you must have a combination of skills, tools, talent and luck. Just like good fortune, it comes with hard work, timing and perseverance. The same is true for cooking! Some people make it look so easy. My Mom and Granny come to mind. They were the chefs in the family. They were the best chefs that I'll never be. Not even close, I might add.
Cooking requires a sense of direction. The capability to follow instructions, including implied ones that are not necessarily included in the fine print. It's about portion controls, applying mathematics, chemistry, mechanical engineering and physics....all in one. Whipping up a good tasty meal is a science, an art, an orchestra. I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
I once dated a chef. That's the closest thing to cheffing I've ever done and it didn't help. However, I do consider myself a relatively successful woman. I can bring home the bacon, cook it up in a pan.......and you know dinner is served when the fire alarms go off in the house. Even more amazing that our children ages four and up quickly learned to grab brooms, towels and pillows to fan the smoke detectors.
Cooking at home requires no licenses. No college degrees. No culinary prerequisites are needed either. And, the best part of all.....opening a package of Ramen Noodles and adding water is considered cooking in this household.
No matter if you're a newbie starting out and the extent of your cooking experience is opening a can without cutting yourself or the culinary connoisseur who can cook anything with one hand tied behind your back blindfolded. Cooking is in the eyes of the beholder. Ah, and those who have to eat it.
After years of cooking, I'm a jack of many and master of none. With too many to count disastrous dinners where the food was unrecognizable, charred black (my favorite color), pots ruined, vegetables exploded, baked bread that could've been used as assault weapons, kitchen fires and untold adventures to husband finally conceded to a newly remodeled kitchen and stainless steel appliances. Yay!! My time has come.
If you're one of my close friends or family....and you know who you are....that provided me with recipes that didn't include ALL of the ingredients....."yes Irene, Flan does require eggs"....a small omission. Or, you gave me a recipe where I had no hope of EVER getting right....(Kathy the Kat). Payback is coming. There's a new Chef in town and it's me....with my new stainless steel appliances. Be afraid! Be verrry afraid! Cause dinner is almost ready. Oh, and don't forget the beer and wine. We'll need plenty to get us through it.
Cooking requires a sense of direction. The capability to follow instructions, including implied ones that are not necessarily included in the fine print. It's about portion controls, applying mathematics, chemistry, mechanical engineering and physics....all in one. Whipping up a good tasty meal is a science, an art, an orchestra. I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
I once dated a chef. That's the closest thing to cheffing I've ever done and it didn't help. However, I do consider myself a relatively successful woman. I can bring home the bacon, cook it up in a pan.......and you know dinner is served when the fire alarms go off in the house. Even more amazing that our children ages four and up quickly learned to grab brooms, towels and pillows to fan the smoke detectors.
Cooking at home requires no licenses. No college degrees. No culinary prerequisites are needed either. And, the best part of all.....opening a package of Ramen Noodles and adding water is considered cooking in this household.
No matter if you're a newbie starting out and the extent of your cooking experience is opening a can without cutting yourself or the culinary connoisseur who can cook anything with one hand tied behind your back blindfolded. Cooking is in the eyes of the beholder. Ah, and those who have to eat it.
After years of cooking, I'm a jack of many and master of none. With too many to count disastrous dinners where the food was unrecognizable, charred black (my favorite color), pots ruined, vegetables exploded, baked bread that could've been used as assault weapons, kitchen fires and untold adventures to husband finally conceded to a newly remodeled kitchen and stainless steel appliances. Yay!! My time has come.
If you're one of my close friends or family....and you know who you are....that provided me with recipes that didn't include ALL of the ingredients....."yes Irene, Flan does require eggs"....a small omission. Or, you gave me a recipe where I had no hope of EVER getting right....(Kathy the Kat). Payback is coming. There's a new Chef in town and it's me....with my new stainless steel appliances. Be afraid! Be verrry afraid! Cause dinner is almost ready. Oh, and don't forget the beer and wine. We'll need plenty to get us through it.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Challenging Times
If you're watching CNN, the DOW, your TV or checking on your investment portfolio, you're seeing waves of market dips, crashes and recesses. It's challenging times around the globe.....unless you have a gold mine in your back yard! This has only been going on since.....oh 2007....but, who's counting, right? Today S&P FINALLY decided to downgrade the U.S. credit ratings and stocks have plunged. Ya think?! Moody, Fitch, are you out there?
More importantly the lack of global leadership and common efforts to take critical actions around the world, especially in the U.S., and REDUCE sovereign budget deficits and debts....are slowly ending the world as we know it. We can not control the oceans or the winds....only Mother Nature has that right, but we can control the ships and crews that are sailing through the mightiest of headwinds and turbulences.
I wouldn't put too much stock (no pun intended) in S&Ps ratings. There's a huge conflict of interest based on their very existence. And, like all corporate engines, their sole purpose is to make money. They're not in it for the public service. Doing the right thing and rating companies, stocks, products, etc., based on real facts, extensive research, short and long term potentials and overall risks are completely secondary or tertiary for them.
As the market takes it's daily tumbles, it's just one of many waves pounding us from the financial tsunami that started years ago. The rating downgrades are way too late and pretty much meaningless in the scheme of things. The market has been a mess for awhile and it's only taken these yahoos a few years to catch up and actually report there are some risks and volatility. There's a storm a comin! And, there's a thousand miles of seas from where we are and where we need to be.
Hello! Is anyone awake and manning the ships?
More importantly the lack of global leadership and common efforts to take critical actions around the world, especially in the U.S., and REDUCE sovereign budget deficits and debts....are slowly ending the world as we know it. We can not control the oceans or the winds....only Mother Nature has that right, but we can control the ships and crews that are sailing through the mightiest of headwinds and turbulences.
I wouldn't put too much stock (no pun intended) in S&Ps ratings. There's a huge conflict of interest based on their very existence. And, like all corporate engines, their sole purpose is to make money. They're not in it for the public service. Doing the right thing and rating companies, stocks, products, etc., based on real facts, extensive research, short and long term potentials and overall risks are completely secondary or tertiary for them.
As the market takes it's daily tumbles, it's just one of many waves pounding us from the financial tsunami that started years ago. The rating downgrades are way too late and pretty much meaningless in the scheme of things. The market has been a mess for awhile and it's only taken these yahoos a few years to catch up and actually report there are some risks and volatility. There's a storm a comin! And, there's a thousand miles of seas from where we are and where we need to be.
Hello! Is anyone awake and manning the ships?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Why Do We Hate Banks?
Over the last few years with more visibility of corruption in the corporate world, markets collapse, housing bubbles burst, sub prime fiasco, Madoff's multi-year fraud and so on and so on. It's troubling times.
In every spectrum of the media we see and hear how "those Bankers" caused one of the biggest market collapse in our nation's history. The government blames them, Wall Street blames them, corporations blames them and the consumer blames them. Let's face it, we all hate 'em these days. We certainly don't trust them further than we can throw them.
But, I can remember a time not that long ago when the banking industry wasn't a bad thing. B-A-N-K wasn't a bad four letter word. In fact, it was a well respected place to work. It was not only an acceptable place to take your money for safe keeping and earn money on your money, it was ludicrous not to. I mean these banks even guarantee the safe keeping of your monies (well, up to $100K). Pretty much your money is safe, tracked and usable while in the bank.
Let's say a team of a bank robbers come in one day and rob the bank where your money is deposited. They steal everything in the drawers, the vaults, etc. Are you worried? No. We don't even blink an eye when we read or hear about banks being robbed. Even if it's the bank where you bank. It's a nuisance. Thank goodness we weren't in the banking centers when it was being robbed and no one was hurt, but that's the extent of our worries. We know the banks are going to great lengths to prevent theft and they have a pretty good track record of catching bank robbers. It's almost a sure thing you won't get away with robbing a bank. Our money is safe. It's insured with the FDIC. And, our money is still available to spend as we need.
Have we lost faith in banks? Then, why not take our hard earned money out of the banks and keep it close at hand? We all know if you're not going to use a bank, you either dig a hole somewhere in your back yard for long term safe keeping or you place under your mattress or a cookie jar for ready cash. Your money is now guaranteed with S&W or a baseball bat.
But, what if those same bank robbers break into your house and steal all your money (that's no longer in the bank....that we no longer trust). Guess what? That money is gone. Ba-bye. It might as well never existed.
Remind me again why we hate banks? Are we mad at them because they've gotten so big and so complex that we're not really sure what they're doing anymore? Perhaps. But, in all fairness, they still provide the basic services and protections that frankly we don't have if we're not using them.
Are we mad at them because they charge us fees for some of their services? Doesn't every business? Are we mad because they make us pay a fee when we spend more money than we have? And hey, if you do want to spend more money than you have.....they'll cover you. It's an added cost, but it has its benefits, right?
These banks will also allow you to borrow money based on your "potential" so you can buy cars, houses and other things. That's right, you don't have to have money now to have the house, the car, the whatnot. Seems like a win/win to me.
Of course, I'm oversimplifying, but somewhere along the way our sense of entitlement and perhaps misguided "needs" that are really "wants" have warped our value system. The corporate engine, banks included are about making money. It's a give and take system. For everything they give, there is a take.
If you have bad spending habits, that'll come at a price. If you quit making payments for something you promised to pay for, then you can't keep it. This isn't a rule just in the banking industry. This is any industry....
There are plenty of wrongs in the banking world, across Wall Sreet and sadly across humanity. But, for every wrong...there are a lot of rights that are worth remembering. To each our own, payback will come. Not always in our time frame. But, it will come. Count on it.
For those of you who work for a bank, remember the little people. You may want to spend a little more time to help us remember why we used to like and trust you.
In every spectrum of the media we see and hear how "those Bankers" caused one of the biggest market collapse in our nation's history. The government blames them, Wall Street blames them, corporations blames them and the consumer blames them. Let's face it, we all hate 'em these days. We certainly don't trust them further than we can throw them.
But, I can remember a time not that long ago when the banking industry wasn't a bad thing. B-A-N-K wasn't a bad four letter word. In fact, it was a well respected place to work. It was not only an acceptable place to take your money for safe keeping and earn money on your money, it was ludicrous not to. I mean these banks even guarantee the safe keeping of your monies (well, up to $100K). Pretty much your money is safe, tracked and usable while in the bank.
Let's say a team of a bank robbers come in one day and rob the bank where your money is deposited. They steal everything in the drawers, the vaults, etc. Are you worried? No. We don't even blink an eye when we read or hear about banks being robbed. Even if it's the bank where you bank. It's a nuisance. Thank goodness we weren't in the banking centers when it was being robbed and no one was hurt, but that's the extent of our worries. We know the banks are going to great lengths to prevent theft and they have a pretty good track record of catching bank robbers. It's almost a sure thing you won't get away with robbing a bank. Our money is safe. It's insured with the FDIC. And, our money is still available to spend as we need.
Have we lost faith in banks? Then, why not take our hard earned money out of the banks and keep it close at hand? We all know if you're not going to use a bank, you either dig a hole somewhere in your back yard for long term safe keeping or you place under your mattress or a cookie jar for ready cash. Your money is now guaranteed with S&W or a baseball bat.
But, what if those same bank robbers break into your house and steal all your money (that's no longer in the bank....that we no longer trust). Guess what? That money is gone. Ba-bye. It might as well never existed.
Remind me again why we hate banks? Are we mad at them because they've gotten so big and so complex that we're not really sure what they're doing anymore? Perhaps. But, in all fairness, they still provide the basic services and protections that frankly we don't have if we're not using them.
Are we mad at them because they charge us fees for some of their services? Doesn't every business? Are we mad because they make us pay a fee when we spend more money than we have? And hey, if you do want to spend more money than you have.....they'll cover you. It's an added cost, but it has its benefits, right?
These banks will also allow you to borrow money based on your "potential" so you can buy cars, houses and other things. That's right, you don't have to have money now to have the house, the car, the whatnot. Seems like a win/win to me.
Of course, I'm oversimplifying, but somewhere along the way our sense of entitlement and perhaps misguided "needs" that are really "wants" have warped our value system. The corporate engine, banks included are about making money. It's a give and take system. For everything they give, there is a take.
If you have bad spending habits, that'll come at a price. If you quit making payments for something you promised to pay for, then you can't keep it. This isn't a rule just in the banking industry. This is any industry....
There are plenty of wrongs in the banking world, across Wall Sreet and sadly across humanity. But, for every wrong...there are a lot of rights that are worth remembering. To each our own, payback will come. Not always in our time frame. But, it will come. Count on it.
For those of you who work for a bank, remember the little people. You may want to spend a little more time to help us remember why we used to like and trust you.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What a Girl Wants
I want what I want. Don't we all? I want my cake and icing and YES...I want to eat it too. Who wants a cake that you can't eat? Or new shoes that you can't wear? We want them.....because.
Because we're entitled to them? That may be a stretch. Because we've earned it? Much better. However, all men and women are created equal. Let me hear an "Amen". Somewhere in the constitution, bill of rights and amendments...."We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity......" We do have rights......all of us. And, not just when someone is having a good day. It's every day.
I'm a firm believer of my rights and the three Rs. RESPECT, RECOGNITION and REWARDS. It should be in every code of ethics book written in corpA. If it's not....then we could have a problem. You could have many problems across your organization. Unhappy people are very unproductive people. Unhappy people can grow exponentially and rupture the strongest infrastructure. Unhappy people create wars, strife and misery. Remember that. We don't want unhappy people.....let's all be happy. :)
What this girl wants is to be respected, recognized and rewarded. I want my three Rs. And, I want them in that order...for the most part. Respect, reward and recognition. Is that asking too much? You should ask yourself (often), are you being valued, included and appreciated? Do you have a seat at the table? And when you're at the table, are you heard?
When you do a good job and you're prepared and you deliver time and again, are you recognized, touted or praised? Let's give a shout-out for the great job you did. Woohoo, you're a rock star! Shine baby, it's your time. It is your time.
Are you being compensated fairly, equitably and without discrimination? It matters not if you stand or sit when you go to the lady's (or men's) room. Whether you wipe of shake. But, please let's all wash up afterwards. It's the right thing to do. So what if we have fuzz and hair above our upper lips...we should be paid fairly without regards to whether we shave, wax or bleach.
Unfortunately, women still earn less than $.80 to every dollar paid to our husbands, sons, dads, brothers, boyfriends, nephews, etc. It's a gap we all need to work on.
What a girl wants? We want a lot, it's true. It's a giant leap sometimes to get the three Rs. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now Respect, Recognition and Reward abide, these three; but the greatest of these is Respect.
Because we're entitled to them? That may be a stretch. Because we've earned it? Much better. However, all men and women are created equal. Let me hear an "Amen". Somewhere in the constitution, bill of rights and amendments...."We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity......" We do have rights......all of us. And, not just when someone is having a good day. It's every day.
I'm a firm believer of my rights and the three Rs. RESPECT, RECOGNITION and REWARDS. It should be in every code of ethics book written in corpA. If it's not....then we could have a problem. You could have many problems across your organization. Unhappy people are very unproductive people. Unhappy people can grow exponentially and rupture the strongest infrastructure. Unhappy people create wars, strife and misery. Remember that. We don't want unhappy people.....let's all be happy. :)
What this girl wants is to be respected, recognized and rewarded. I want my three Rs. And, I want them in that order...for the most part. Respect, reward and recognition. Is that asking too much? You should ask yourself (often), are you being valued, included and appreciated? Do you have a seat at the table? And when you're at the table, are you heard?
When you do a good job and you're prepared and you deliver time and again, are you recognized, touted or praised? Let's give a shout-out for the great job you did. Woohoo, you're a rock star! Shine baby, it's your time. It is your time.
Are you being compensated fairly, equitably and without discrimination? It matters not if you stand or sit when you go to the lady's (or men's) room. Whether you wipe of shake. But, please let's all wash up afterwards. It's the right thing to do. So what if we have fuzz and hair above our upper lips...we should be paid fairly without regards to whether we shave, wax or bleach.
Unfortunately, women still earn less than $.80 to every dollar paid to our husbands, sons, dads, brothers, boyfriends, nephews, etc. It's a gap we all need to work on.
What a girl wants? We want a lot, it's true. It's a giant leap sometimes to get the three Rs. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now Respect, Recognition and Reward abide, these three; but the greatest of these is Respect.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Working in Coporate America - Life in the Fast Lane
Start your engines.....rev it up for good measures. It's time for life in the fast lane. Working in corporate America is fast paced, crazy, dynamic and scary. Like driving in Dallas, TX, I635 during rush hour. Okay, it's faster than driving during rush hour. But, rush hour gives the same semblance of constant turmoils, constant lane changing, crazy drivers that's only in it for themselves. Watch out little blue haired (elderly) ladies. Moms, hold those babies close. You get caught in this traffic's survival of the fittest. Bravery and sometimes per spite.
I've cried (many times) driving in this crazy traffic where all politeness, genteel upbringing and education matters not. Every man (and woman) for themselves. The roads within corpAmerica.....with constant org changes, management changes, strategy changes, etc. In with the new priorities, out with the old. Chaotic up-and-down work flows. And, in this madcapped market with many bodies laying on the roadside, you see roadkill on a daily basis. The oil for the corporate engine is spotted on all the major highways.
Some days blur into many other days. It's hard to stay on cruise control in corpA. But, a lot of folks do. It's amazing how many can stay on the road with non-adherence to speed controls. But, those coasting can take in the signs and sights along the way. Do those coasters miss their turns? Probably not. They have time to assess and then veer off at the last minute. Unlike the racers on the road who have a need-for-speed. Those crazed road-ragers can be so channelized. They're fast and they want you out of the way. They're quick to anger and will run you over if you're in the way. Is speed a good thing in corpA?
My guess, it's all in the timing. There are some days coasting is exactly what the doctor (or highway patrolman) orders. Other days, that amber light means push the pedal to the metal and go like hell. Of course, don't get caught flying under the red zone. Red is not our friend. Especially in corpA.
Signing off for now.
I've cried (many times) driving in this crazy traffic where all politeness, genteel upbringing and education matters not. Every man (and woman) for themselves. The roads within corpAmerica.....with constant org changes, management changes, strategy changes, etc. In with the new priorities, out with the old. Chaotic up-and-down work flows. And, in this madcapped market with many bodies laying on the roadside, you see roadkill on a daily basis. The oil for the corporate engine is spotted on all the major highways.
Some days blur into many other days. It's hard to stay on cruise control in corpA. But, a lot of folks do. It's amazing how many can stay on the road with non-adherence to speed controls. But, those coasting can take in the signs and sights along the way. Do those coasters miss their turns? Probably not. They have time to assess and then veer off at the last minute. Unlike the racers on the road who have a need-for-speed. Those crazed road-ragers can be so channelized. They're fast and they want you out of the way. They're quick to anger and will run you over if you're in the way. Is speed a good thing in corpA?
My guess, it's all in the timing. There are some days coasting is exactly what the doctor (or highway patrolman) orders. Other days, that amber light means push the pedal to the metal and go like hell. Of course, don't get caught flying under the red zone. Red is not our friend. Especially in corpA.
Signing off for now.
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