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Friday, September 9, 2011

Free Lunches or TV Receivers?

Economics 101 - There are no free lunches.  But, I have to say, twice last week I had my lunch paid.  It was a pretty good lunch too.  The company wasn't bad, either. 

Does everything come with a price?  Definitely!  Everything has a cost.  Life comes with joys, sacrifices; it comes with a then out.  You stop breathing, you stop living.  Everything comes with a price. 

Economics 101.2 -  The two sure things in life are taxes and death.  So, when we are offered something free, even if it's perceived as free, makes it quite apealing.  Same is true for discounts.  If I see a's a magnet to my cave woman senses to hunt, gather and do so at a reduced cost.

One of my BFFs is always sending me links to free "give aways", contests entries and sales events.  Amazingly, she seems to win a lot and buy nice things at great discounts.  By the time I get there, the discounts have been marked up 300%.  Or, the online contests or links to "freebies" tend to be wasted key strokes and sometimes a few viruses. More times than not, it costs me money.  Luck fancies only a few of us.

The latest rave is her TVs bell 6131 receiver dish.  Is it a rave?  If you need to 'receive' and have a TV, it may be worth the click.  You decide and let me know.


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