2012 - is noted as the last year of the Mayans calendar and prophesies of the end of times. Is the world ending this year? The weather is one of many indicators and frankly, it's been all over the board. Storms are bursting throughout, tornadoes imploding across our communities with catastrophic results and the water is rising. It is indeed crazy times.
I've weathered worse. Not that I'm tempting Mother Nature. She'll knock us down quicker than a sneeze. But, even with this year's crazy storms rushing in all directions, we're still here. We've been knocked down and we rise again. It's what we do.
With the storms, more flash floods are expected. Whether your yard becomes a mud pile or a small river, it can easily damage your home. Cleaning flood waters is not easy and must be dealt with quickly. You need a team that can quickly assess and provide
water extraction round rock,
My hope is you won't need to recover from a storm, from floods. But, if you do....be ready. Lend a hand when needed. Call when you need help.
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