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Thursday, July 14, 2011

What a Girl Wants

I want what I want.  Don't we all? I want my cake and icing and YES...I want to eat it too.  Who wants a cake that you can't eat?  Or new shoes that you can't wear?  We want them.....because.

Because we're entitled to them?  That may be a stretch.  Because we've earned it?  Much better.  However, all men and women are created equal.  Let me hear an "Amen".   Somewhere in the constitution, bill of rights and amendments...."We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity......"   We do have rights......all of us.  And, not just when someone is having a good day.  It's every day.

I'm a firm believer of my rights and the three Rs.  RESPECT, RECOGNITION and REWARDS.  It should be in every code of ethics book written in corpA.  If it's not....then we could have a problem.  You could have many problems across your organization.  Unhappy people are very unproductive people.  Unhappy people can grow exponentially and rupture the strongest infrastructure.  Unhappy people create wars, strife and misery.  Remember that.  We don't want unhappy people.....let's all be happy. :)

What this girl wants is to be respected, recognized and rewarded. I want my three Rs.  And, I want them in that order...for the most part.  Respect, reward and recognition.  Is that asking too much?  You should ask yourself (often), are you being valued, included and appreciated? Do you have a seat at the table?  And when you're at the table, are you heard? 

When you do a good job and you're prepared and you deliver time and again, are you recognized, touted or praised?  Let's give a shout-out for the great job you did. Woohoo, you're a rock star!  Shine baby, it's your time.  It is your time.

Are you being compensated fairly, equitably and without discrimination?  It matters not if you stand or sit when you go to the lady's (or men's) room.  Whether you wipe of shake.  But, please let's all wash up afterwards.  It's the right thing to do.  So what if we have fuzz and hair above our upper lips...we should be paid fairly without regards to whether we shave, wax or bleach. 

Unfortunately, women still earn less than $.80 to every dollar paid to our husbands, sons, dads, brothers, boyfriends, nephews, etc.  It's a gap we all need to work on.

What a girl wants?  We want a lot, it's true.  It's a giant leap sometimes to get the three Rs.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.  So now Respect, Recognition and Reward abide, these three; but the greatest of these is Respect.

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